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Why is Child Support So Unfair to Fathers?
Child support calculations are unfair to fathers because they do not properly account for the basic costs of raising a child in Australia.
Is Child Support Taxable Income?
The answer is no. Child support isn't taxable income. How much child support you receive appears to have no significant tax consequences.
Child Support Agency Contact
The Child Support Agency (CSA) in Australia is just part of Services Australia. You can contact CSA by phone, online or by visiting a centre.
Discipline vs Punishment, with Examples
Discipline and punishment are vital parenting tools. Discipline actively teaches your child to make better choices using varied methods.
What Age Does Child Support Stop?
Child support in Australia normally stops when a child turns 18. But it may be extended until the end of the school year to complete Year 12.
How Far Can Child Support Be Backdated?
Child support in Australia can be backdated depending on the situation. But payments can only start from the time an application is made.
How Much Child Support Will I Pay on $100k?
If you make $100k annually, child support typically ranges from $11,584 to $22,603 per year. Most payers are towards the bottom of the range.
What Does Child Support Cover in Australia?
Child support is a cash transfer between parents, with no obligation on how money is spent. The receiving parent can use it as they choose.