Why is Child Support So Unfair to Fathers?

How Australia's system hurts fathers and their children.

Despondent man overlooking stormy seas

10 Responses

  1. Timothy Van Wely
    | Reply

    The care percentage calculations CSA use along with financial contributions calculation percentage are predatory to the financial parent.

    The use of previous financial year income for child support calculations by the department and not of current earnings is open to abuse and will often result in victimised financial parents choosing poverty over sanctioned abuse – and often times suicide. Of course there is a flip side resulting in financial parents using this to their advantage.

    There is also no mechanism or law to ensure that a parent should be held accountable for choosing to not work and or work to their potential .ie. a trade qualified parent choosing a 20 hour week part time cleaning job instead of the better paid equivalent.
    That a parent with a higher percent of care, i.e., 60/40 care arrangement should even have to work is not considered. This in itself incentivises financial abuse of one parent over the other. It allows for a lifestyle choice in leiu of providing stable ‘equally’ contributing households. In light of new laws surrounding emotional/psychological abuse this should open the public’s eyes to predatory behaviour used to perpetuate this cycle.

    Another benefit often enjoyed by one parent over the other is the knowledge the family court will award a higher percentage of assets in a divorce to the non financial parent without consideration of the large amounts in child support to be paid in the future.
    A liability taxed on the financial parent only.
    This will often result in the financial parent working excessive hours and financially struggling to make ends meet.

    CSA take no accountability in regards to admitting liabilty or recovering money paid to the non financial parent incorrectly though quite rightly will the other way round..
    Nor will CSA investigate any fraudulent tax evasion reported to it though will seize any tax returns if said money is owed – mistakes made by the department or not.

    Until the family court and CSA laws are overhauled and a equality based case by case system implemented there will continue government sanctioned abuse.

    Written by a loving parent at wits end.

    • Dr Andrew Lancaster
      | Reply

      The scheme has been designed with the idea that “child support” payments magically benefit the child and, therefore, extracting the money is always the priority. They haven’t accounted for anything else, such as the payer parent being damaged in multiple ways (which hurts kids) and kids ending up stuck in low-income households with a mother and her boyfriend (also a bad result).

  2. Helen Henshaw
    | Reply

    Child support Australia is a joke and desperately needs a major overhaul. They took more than 1/2 of my son’s wages, (he gets paid monthly). So now he doesn’t have enough to live on and pay his monthly commitments. He has full custody of one of his daughters yet the mother doesn’t pay child support. His other 2 daughters are with their mothers. He doesn’t get to see them because 1 of the mothers put a restraining order on my son for what reason, we have no idea and other one we have no idea where she is. I am helping him out as much as I can. My son is stressed enough without child support adding to it. They make paying parents lives hell.

  3. Jane
    | Reply

    ex doesn’t has chosen not to work and has not had a job for a while. He lives off money from parents bank account and transfers and absorbed 2 million. Child support uses my income and compares it to him. He pays minimum amount of child support and has another child.

  4. Marie
    | Reply

    what if the mother tell misfalse information to the child support service that the father never seen her daughter 365 days. The father got a phone call from the service saying you have backpay to pay because you have not seen your daughter for a while. meanwhile, we just spent 3weeks with his daughter during school holidays. Definitely, unfair for all the father’s out there working hard to provide for their kids and this needs to change this year 2025.

    • Dr Andrew Lancaster
      | Reply

      You need at least one night a week (52 nights a year) of care before it impacts your assessment.

      You can dispute the care amount, and this is very common. Providing evidence is important. Phone logs, photos, messages, and even statuatory declarations from witnesses can all be used.

  5. max
    | Reply

    Totally agree with all the written. Its that fact and pity that all suffering nut none are coming forward for a change.

  6. max
    | Reply

    hello, I think i fell for the system too. I just got a lump sum as lost the job now even though i did inform the department of the lump sum, they have backdated my payment and end up paying huge amount. i got payment on 21 june and i told them on 1 jul that i got payment, reply was thats ok we got the new assessment in place so it would not affect. but when did the tax return they send me a due of big sum backdating the payment including the lump sum.

  7. Ja
    | Reply

    I’m financially in a noose because of child support
    Fake restraining order and moving away gave the ex 100% any attempt to reach an agreement she cries poor the children have lived with 2 different men in as many years and all I can do is pay I’m homeless after divorce and left with all the marital debts

    • Dr Andrew Lancaster
      | Reply

      Don’t know if it would help but a compromise might be if you have the kids 4-5 nights per fortnight. It might reduce her payments by around 25% or so but would give her a break and you would get some financial relief. Try the child support calculator: https://childsupportaustralia.com/calculator-estimator/

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