What Does Child Support Cover in Australia?

Written and unwritten rules on what expenses the payments are for.

Boy and girl with braces in school uniforms

Dr Andrew Lancaster

Head of Child Support Australia

4 Responses

  1. JJ
    | Reply

    My ex partner earns double my salary and we share 50% of three kids and I have 100% custody of one. I understand the child support paid to me for the one child should cover all expenses for that child. What about the other three? Do I need to cover all expenses for the others that are shared across both households ie phone plans, school fees, uniforms, extra curricular activities, shoes etc? Or are you saying we should pay 50% or these costs despite me receiving child support?

    • Dr Andrew Lancaster
      | Reply

      Child support in the case of shared custody is not meant to cover all costs. It’s essentially financial compensation for one parent having a lower income. Sometimes it makes sense for the receiver to cover extra expenses because it’s obvious that they shouldn’t be getting extra money. As I’ve said previously, there are no rules. Often, the best arrangement is for parents to take care of different types of expenses. You don’t want to have to be splitting bills all the time. For example, one parent might like clothes shopping while the other could handle sports.

  2. Katie Beattie
    | Reply

    My 15 year old daughter has been assessed as needing braces to correct a traumatic deep bite and a few other things (overcrowding etc). I have provided my ex husband with the quote and reports, and said we can pay half each, but he thinks it’s too expensive and has not agreed to contribute. If we cannot come to an agreement how can I get CSA to help me?

    • Dr Andrew Lancaster
      | Reply

      You should let him know that the default is that he will be paying half. If he wants to save on costs, he needs to explain to you how.

      You can apply for a Change of Assessment (Reason 2: High Costs of Special Needs or Medical Expenses). This allows Services Australia to review the situation and consider the orthodontic costs as part of your child support arrangement.

      When applying, you’ll need to provide evidence, including the orthodontic quote and any relevant reports.

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