Why is Child Support So Unfair to Fathers?

How Australia's system hurts fathers and their children.

Despondent man overlooking stormy seas

2 Responses

  1. Ja
    | Reply

    I’m financially in a noose because of child support
    Fake restraining order and moving away gave the ex 100% any attempt to reach an agreement she cries poor the children have lived with 2 different men in as many years and all I can do is pay I’m homeless after divorce and left with all the marital debts

    • Dr Andrew Lancaster
      | Reply

      Don’t know if it would help but a compromise might be if you have the kids 4-5 nights per fortnight. It might reduce her payments by around 25% or so but would give her a break and you would get some financial relief. Try the child support calculator: https://childsupportaustralia.com/calculator-estimator/

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